3 Applicable Tips for Giving a Speech Without Notes

by | Aug 1, 2021

Maybe you have been a public speaker for a while or maybe you’re just starting out, either way you may be looking to eventually deliver your speeches notes free. This is not to say that notes are unprofessional or a poor choice; ultimately, it’s up to you to decide the kind of public speaker you want to be. However, if you’re ready to take the leap, this article will explain how to kill your speech without notes.

  1. Memorize your key point(s) and structure – As a public speaker, you should have or be working on developing your message. Within your message, you will start to cultivate talking points that will really drive home your message. It’s important to start memorizing these key areas and build the remainder of your messaging around them. If you’re someone who’s just starting out, stick to one main point. This should be something like an overarching theme within your speech that ties everything together. There’s no need to memorize your entire speech word for word. Memorizing your main talking points will provide you with foundation you need and should be easier to memorize than an entire speech. Be patient with yourself, especially if you are just starting. A fully memorized killer speech comes in time. Lastly, you want to memorize the structure of your speech. This is important because it helps to determine the flow and can hurt the effectiveness of your speech if not thought about in depth. Most speeches adhere to the following format:





          You certainly don’t have to abide by this structure but do find one that works for you and makes sense to your audience.


  1. Tell a story – Storytelling can be instrumental in delivering an effective speech. It makes you more relatable and often draws your audience in. The special thing about a good story is that it’s unique to you. This should make it something easier to memorize. Take this opportunity to develop a captivating, applicable story that will inspire your audience and drive home your main talking points. Not only is story easier for you to memorize, it’s also easier for your audience. Your audience is much more likely to remember notable points in your story than the facts and figures you present. One relatable anecdote can help to transform lives.


  1. Practice, practice, practice – This is no secret. To perfect just about anything you do, you need to practice. Practicing builds confidence and allows you to identify areas for improvement. Practice as much as you can and when you feel comfortable, practice in front of someone you trust. Allow them to give you feedback and use them to work on certain problem areas. It’s also important to start recording yourself so you yourself can see things like body language, expressions, tone, etc. Record yourself and practice as many times as you need to feel comfortable putting your notes down. Even after you have gotten your speech to a good point, you should still practice and evaluate yourself periodically.


This can be scary and anxiety inducing, especially if you’re just starting out so be patient with yourself. Have your notes handy just in case; there’s nothing wrong with looking down at your notes if you get stuck.


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