Member Spotlight: Yolanda Lupton

by | Aug 2, 2021

Each month, BSN wants to highlight a different member who has seen success using BSN’s resources and community. They have agreed to do an interview about their experience and we are sharing their takeaways below:

Meet Yolanda Lupton

What’s your occupation?

I have worked in the IT/Contractor space for the past 24 years. My last position was as an Information Systems Security Officer.  Currently, I am in transition. Quarantine last year gave me time to reflect on life and what brings me joy and purpose. I realized that some things needed to change. This has been a season of change, growth and rest for me. I am definitely out of my comfort zone. As a Certified Life and Executive Coach, I am working on growing my speaking business and finishing a marriage book with my husband, Scott. I have also relaunched my weekly internet talk show called On the Rise which streams Thursdays at 7PM/EST on Facebook and YouTube. The show is a great way to keep me motivated to speak, meeting new people and learning new technologies.

What kind of resources were you using before BSN?

Before BSN, I was really just looking on the web and trying to network and connect with others that were doing what I wanted to do. Sometimes that was difficult because during the day I was doing something that was not in line with my goal of building my speaking business.

What were your goals when signing up for BSN?

Honestly, I was referred by my sorority sister and friend, Dr. Stephanie Reid. We were on a girl’s trip and discussing our goals for the year. I told her that I felt like God was starting to move me in a different direction and I really wanted to grow my speaking career. She told me to check out BSN because they had great webinars and access to other speakers of color like me.  The rest as they say is history! 

What has been the most valuable part of BSN for you?

The three most valuable parts of BSN has been the speakers conference, Verbal Business Card class by Quinn and access to other speakers who provide tools that assist me with organization and strategy.  Quinn really assisted me with narrowing down what I do and who I serve in a very succinct way. The conference really exposed me to some new speakers and ideas that encouraged me to see myself and the services I offer in a different light. I am still working things out and I am long way from having everything in place, but I am trying to make the most of any opportunity that comes my way.

What advice would you give an aspiring public speaker?

Believe in yourself because there is no one like you. I used to struggle with this because I believed that what I had to say was already said and irrelevant. I know now that there are people who need to hear truth and encouragement in the exact way, I deliver it.  There is someone who needs to hear it the way you speak it too!




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