5 Tips for Selecting the Right Public Speaking Topic

by | Sep 29, 2021

Choosing the right public speaking topic can have a significant impact on the way your messages is received. It can be the determining factor in how successful you will be as a public speaker. I don’t say this to worry you. While choosing a topic is of the utmost importance, this article will teach you how to identify the right topic for you so that you can be the successful public speaker you have always dreamed of.

  1. Choose a Topic that Interests You – One of the best ways to select a public speaking topic is to focus on areas of interest that are personally relevant and interesting. When public speakers can communicate from personal experience or from a subject that they are passionate about, it is often much more convincing and interesting to your audience. Your audience can hear the enthusiasm in your voice and see it at your face which will make them more engaged in your message.
  2.  Choose a Topic That You’re Knowledgeable About – Another great way to narrow down your speech topic is to choose one that you’re knowledgeable about. In addition to finding a topic that interest you, make sure you’re also knowledgeable about that topic. Your audience is coming to you for your expertise in a particular area. It’s not enough to simply be interested in a topic. Show your audience that you have the necessary research or learning so they feel more confident about your message.
  3. Understand Your Audience – You probably speak in a room full of strangers so you may be asking how one can truly know their audience. A good public speaker can find commonalties amongst his or her audience. Many people gravitate toward specific topics that they’re interested in. This is the place to start. Beyond that you can engage your audience by asking questions or finding commonalities on your own that others can relate to. By focusing on your audience, you make them feel important and connected which will help them better support your message.
  4. Relate Your Topic to Current Events – A good message is a relevant one. Make sure your topic can be related to current events. Maybe your topic focuses on new mothers, it may make sense for you to add current statistics about mothers and babies or mention the latest baby names. This will allow your audience to see the relevance of your message and acknowledge that it may align with their personal stories.
  5. Evaluate the Type of Event You’re Speaking At – Before you agree to speak at an event, it’s important to do your research. Look for a mission statement or a values page that speaks to what the company or organization stands for. Find out if the company/organization and event align with your message. When you’re first starting out, it’s tempting to look for and accept any and every speaking opportunity and while most events are probably safe, it’s important to be mindful as you want to be consistent in your brand and messaging. This is also important because your audience matters as well. Depending on the type of event you agree to speak at, it may not be your target audience which can leave a disconnect.




Choosing the right public speaking topic can have a significant impact on the way your messages is received. It can be the determining factor in how successful you will be as a public speaker. I don’t say this to worry you. While choosing a topic is of the utmost importance, this article will teach you how to identify the right topic for you so that you can be the successful public speaker you have always dreamed of.

  1. Choose a Topic that Interests You – One of the best ways to select a public speaking topic is to focus on areas of interest that are personally relevant and interesting. When public speakers can communicate from personal experience or from a subject that they are passionate about, it is often much more convincing and interesting to your audience. Your audience can hear the enthusiasm in your voice and see it at your face which will make them more engaged in your message.
  2.  Choose a Topic That You’re Knowledgeable About – Another great way to narrow down your speech topic is to choose one that you’re knowledgeable about. In addition to finding a topic that interest you, make sure you’re also knowledgeable about that topic. Your audience is coming to you for your expertise in a particular area. It’s not enough to simply be interested in a topic. Show your audience that you have the necessary research or learning so they feel more confident about your message.
  3. Understand Your Audience – You probably speak in a room full of strangers so you may be asking how one can truly know their audience. A good public speaker can find commonalties amongst his or her audience. Many people gravitate toward specific topics that they’re interested in. This is the place to start. Beyond that you can engage your audience by asking questions or finding commonalities on your own that others can relate to. By focusing on your audience, you make them feel important and connected which will help them better support your message.
  4. Relate Your Topic to Current Events – A good message is a relevant one. Make sure your topic can be related to current events. Maybe your topic focuses on new mothers, it may make sense for you to add current statistics about mothers and babies or mention the latest baby names. This will allow your audience to see the relevance of your message and acknowledge that it may align with their personal stories.
  5. Evaluate the Type of Event You’re Speaking At – Before you agree to speak at an event, it’s important to do your research. Look for a mission statement or a values page that speaks to what the company or organization stands for. Find out if the company/organization and event align with your message. When you’re first starting out, it’s tempting to look for and accept any and every speaking opportunity and while most events are probably safe, it’s important to be mindful as you want to be consistent in your brand and messaging. This is also important because your audience matters as well. Depending on the type of event you agree to speak at, it may not be your target audience which can leave a disconnect.




Choosing the right public speaking topic can have a significant impact on the way your messages is received. It can be the determining factor in how successful you will be as a public speaker. I don’t say this to worry you. While choosing a topic is of the utmost importance, this article will teach you how to identify the right topic for you so that you can be the successful public speaker you have always dreamed of.

  1. Choose a Topic that Interests You – One of the best ways to select a public speaking topic is to focus on areas of interest that are personally relevant and interesting. When public speakers can communicate from personal experience or from a subject that they are passionate about, it is often much more convincing and interesting to your audience. Your audience can hear the enthusiasm in your voice and see it at your face which will make them more engaged in your message.
  2.  Choose a Topic That You’re Knowledgeable About – Another great way to narrow down your speech topic is to choose one that you’re knowledgeable about. In addition to finding a topic that interest you, make sure you’re also knowledgeable about that topic. Your audience is coming to you for your expertise in a particular area. It’s not enough to simply be interested in a topic. Show your audience that you have the necessary research or learning so they feel more confident about your message.
  3. Understand Your Audience – You probably speak in a room full of strangers so you may be asking how one can truly know their audience. A good public speaker can find commonalties amongst his or her audience. Many people gravitate toward specific topics that they’re interested in. This is the place to start. Beyond that you can engage your audience by asking questions or finding commonalities on your own that others can relate to. By focusing on your audience, you make them feel important and connected which will help them better support your message.
  4. Relate Your Topic to Current Events – A good message is a relevant one. Make sure your topic can be related to current events. Maybe your topic focuses on new mothers, it may make sense for you to add current statistics about mothers and babies or mention the latest baby names. This will allow your audience to see the relevance of your message and acknowledge that it may align with their personal stories.
  5. Evaluate the Type of Event You’re Speaking At – Before you agree to speak at an event, it’s important to do your research. Look for a mission statement or a values page that speaks to what the company or organization stands for. Find out if the company/organization and event align with your message. When you’re first starting out, it’s tempting to look for and accept any and every speaking opportunity and while most events are probably safe, it’s important to be mindful as you want to be consistent in your brand and messaging. This is also important because your audience matters as well. Depending on the type of event you agree to speak at, it may not be your target audience which can leave a disconnect.




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