Member Spotlight: Constance Craig Mason

by | May 3, 2021

Each month, BSN wants to highlight a different member who has seen success using BSN’s resources and community. They have agreed to do an interview about their experience and we are sharing their takeaways below:

Meet Constance Craig Mason!

What’s your occupation?

Constance: I am an International Speaker, Financial Expert, Insurance Agency Owner, Amazon Best Selling Author and Transformation Coach for Women Speakers.

What kind of resources were you using before BSN?

Constance: Before BSN, I used to scroll through social media timelines looking for potential speaking opportunities and go to networking events to meet people who could possibly introduce me to upcoming speaker opportunities.

What were your goals when signing up for BSN?

Constance: When I signed up for BSN I wanted to network with and learn from speakers who were on my level and had reached greater heights than I have. I also wanted to learn about upcoming speaker opportunities without having to spend some much time looking for them. As a BSN member, I receive regular emails about event hosts who are looking for talent. All I have to do is click and apply!

What has been the most valuable part of BSN for you?

Constance: The most valuable part about BSN for me has been the community. We really support one another, engage, share resources and opportunities.

What advice would you give an aspiring public speaker or business owner?

Constance: My advice to an aspiring speaker is to get started. Do not wait until you have more credentials or a larger following. Begin speaking up and out about whatever your lane of brilliance or passion is. Someone is listening!

To learn more about Constance and her business, click HERE.

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