Member Spotlight: Dr. Eric C. Holmes
Each month, BSN wants to highlight a different member who has seen success using BSN’s resources and community. They have agreed to do an interview about their experience and we are sharing their takeaways below:
Meet Dr. Eric C. Holmes
What’s your occupation?
My current occupation is Sr. PSC Coordinator in the Otolaryngology Department at Johns Hopkins.
What kind of resources were you using before BSN?
The resources I was using before BSN were mostly just libraries, social media and network connections. I was looking for additional resources at the time that I found BSN.
What were your goals when signing up for BSN?
When signing up for BSN, my goals were to support and be engaged with the platform while using all the tools given and training that was provided to help my business and do some personal development.
What has been the most valuable part of BSN for you?
The most valuable part of BSN for me has been the solid relationships that I’ve been able to form and the powerful information shared that I’ve been able to apply to my business.
What advice would you give an aspiring public speaker?
The overall advice I would share with an aspiring speaker or business owner would be to make sure you have integrity, character and credibility and honor your name and your word. Surround yourself with others with wisdom and knowledge that can help push you to great purpose. And get a mentor!
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